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通过创建一个关于女性的社区, women's colleges empower independent students to effect both personal 和 collective change, 在本地和全球范围内.Though the world looks differently today than it did at 正规博彩十大网站排名学院s' founding more than 130 years ago, 你仍然可以在曾经存在的性别不平等中发现惊人的相似之处, 为…制定目标 以女性为中心的学习环境 比以往更有必要.

女子学院有很多好处. 除了在学术上具有挑战性, small class sizes leave open the opportunity for individualized faculty attention 和 mentorship, 而 一个由志同道合的人组成的热情包容的社区 创建 一个终身友谊和支持的网络.



1. 因为女子学院在学术上非常严谨.


“之前, 我害怕改变, 旅行中可能会有语言障碍和不同的期望. 现在我对自己的能力有信心了... 峰会 taught me how to pick out 和 focus on the qualities I best embody in my leadership style.”

You will build confidence as a leader 和 presenter in classrooms where the loudest voices are usually female during lively discussions.From learning how to create a historiography in a class on the African Diaspora to gaining underst和ing of computational astrophysics in a Quantum Physics course, 你会遇到和你一样充满好奇的教授和同学 关于智力的广度、深度和成长.


30多个专业/辅修课程和3个双学位课程可供选择. 学院还提供创新课程 研究生学习 机会.


这所学院被称为美国第一大学的主要原因之一. 最具创新精神的文理学院, 峰会是我们的标志性体验,提供真实世界的实践学习 为你的研究生成功做准备的机会.


Our academic resources 和 support are designed to help you on your journey to academic success.


photo of student Peace Grace Muhizi 和 her quote about the new perspective she gained 而 attending Agnes Scott.

2. 因为女子学院能培养出有力量和信念的女性

和平Grace Muhizi '19

“离开家,和同学们在一起——都很聪明, driven women wanting to make a mark on the world—gave me a new perspective on the place where I grew up (Rw和a). I observed even more gaps that needed to be filled if I wanted to inspire other young women to pursue careers they’re passionate about 和 make a difference in their own communities.”

苏格兰人很早就学会了 如何完善自己的无畏个人品牌 这是激发他们行动的激情, 创造他们希望看到的世界变化. Leadership in a women’s-centered environment looks a little differently when all of your peers, 导师和榜样都像你一样, blazing their own trails into fields where a woman’s perspective has been desperately needed.

据说 社会正义运动已经融入了苏格兰人的DNA. 从各种机会与我们 领导、参与和服务中心,你会学会的 梦想宽, 勇敢无畏藐视的刻板印象,不仅在当地规模,而且在全球范围内. 我们的学生, 以及女性大学毕业生, 要明白,授权他人去实现改变,首先要授权自己.


艾格尼丝·斯科特的领导力始于强烈的自我意识. 我们的招牌项目-遗产, 催化剂领导者计划, 影响服务体验-将带您到达那里.


Community 和 civic engagement allow Scotties to become knowledgeable of a variety of social issues within local 和 global contexts. 超过80% 本科生中有一半积极参与社区服务.



photo of student Lindsey Garl和 Padget 和 her quote about the community she met 而 attending Agnes Scott.

3. 因为女子学院建立了一个社区,变成了一个家庭.


“我有最棒的朋友圈, 同样聪明的女性, 有爱心的, 和有趣的. 我和教授们建立了关系,这种关系一直维持到今天. 我总觉得有一群人在为我加油.”

选择适合你的社交场合. 来自全国最活跃的学生会之一, 点燃诗社或拉丁诗社, 你会很容易在我们充满活力的生活学习社区中找到自己的位置 (我们的学生领袖历来都是女性!). 在艾格尼丝·斯科特,社区不是由地理定义的, 但是令人惊奇的是, 不同的个体. Campus traditions aren’t just something you’ll read about in a college history book; these shared experiences will keep bringing you back to campus long after you’ve graduated.


With more than 60 clubs 和 organizations on campus, finding your niche at Agnes Scott is simple. 没有看到适合你的东西? 创建你自己的!


From Black Cat Week 和 Sophomore Ring Ceremony to Pancake Jam 和 ringing the bell from the campus bell tower, 我们的校园传统形成了持续一生的兄弟情谊纽带.


艾格尼丝·斯科特的校园生活场景经常被描述为一个充满活力的生活学习社区. 超过80%的本科生住在校园里, you'll be hard-pressed to find free time in your schedule outside of classes that can't be filled with interesting activities 和 events.


Photo of student Mallika Balakrishnan 和 her quote about how her advisors helped her apply for the Marshall Scholarship.

4. 因为女子学院赋予了多样性独特的意义.

Amira Daugherty, 19岁

“每天, 人们一直在努力重塑大学的面貌, 有什么机制可以确保学生对自己的皮肤感到舒适呢. The fact that Agnes Scott is a women’s college 和 also supports different gender identities has really allowed me to see a full scope of what women’s leadership looks like.”

艾格尼丝·斯科特, 有43个州和28个国家的代表, 几乎一半的本科生都是有色人种. 尽管“女子学院”这个词可能会让人想起它的排他性, 以女性为中心的学习环境通常是社会进步的, 欢迎并为各种性别认同提供一个安全的空间.

女子大学校园往往处于最前沿 全球多样性和包容性倡议.

5. 因为上女子学院意味着你将永远做好准备.

Mallika Balakrishnan, 19岁

“申请马歇尔奖学金是一个非常艰苦的过程. I don’t think I would have really been able to be a compelling applicant without the Agnes Scott experience that I have had. 我有真正了解我的指导老师,他们和我一起工作... 给予成功和领导的机会.”

根据一项研究 女子大学联盟在美国,研究人员发现,上过女子学院的学生都很健康 比男女同校的学生更有可能毕业, 对自己有很高的期望, 去读研究生, 并在他们的成年生活中取得成功.

Women’s college students are also more likely to major in nontraditional fields or those most commonly dominated by men. Agnes Scott graduates women in STEM at higher rates than similar institutions (25 percent versus 10 percent). Recent data from the National Science Foundation (NSF) found such stats as “more Agnes Scott students go on to earn doctorates in Engineering fields than 83 percent of similar colleges, 数学和计算机科学领域比78%的同类大学要高.”


峰会是我们创新的文科和理科课程,为期四年 purpleprint 看看我们是怎么做的?)为你的职业目标之旅做好准备. Intentionally embedded throughout our curriculum are specific career readiness preparation 和 networking experiences meant to lead you toward a lifetime of professional success.


我们可以整天谈论研究生的成功——或者,我们可以展示给你看. "Bell Ringers" at Agnes Scott defines graduating seniors who have received/accepted a job offer or been accepted to graduate school(s).


艾格尼丝·斯科特给你路线图, 但是长期的成功是由你所做的选择来衡量的, 你的决心和勇气. 愿我们最好的故事, 最聪明、最勇敢的苏格兰人激励着你前进的脚步!


女子学院可能很小,但她们很强大. Agnes Scott alumnae have made history in their own ways – from Georgia’s first female Rhodes Scholar to the first woman to be ordained a minister in the Presbyterian Church 和 the first woman to chair the Federal Commodity Futures Trading Commission – 和 their passions are reflected in the various avenues to success they’ve traveled in pursuit of their dreams.

Choosing to attend a women's college will forever set you apart in the crowd 和 connect you to a legacy of extraordinary women who unabashedly are making the world a better, 为所有人创造更公平的环境.


From uniquely preparing women to lead in a global society 和 closing the gap in male-dominated fields, to being epicenters of inclusive excellence 和 creating a community that promotes lifelong learning 和 connection beyond graduation - 如今的女子学院比以往任何时候都更有意义. 除了, these institutions of higher learning are often at the forefront of affordability 和 accessibility, 打破素质教育的障碍 针对弱势群体、少数族裔和第一代大学生.




正规博彩十大网站排名听起来适合你吗? Take the first step in your journey to becoming a women's college graduate when you apply today.



想知道女子大学校园里的生活到底是什么样的? 查看Agnes Scott即将到来的虚拟访问机会, 选择一个适合你日程安排的活动.



深入挖掘艾格尼丝·斯科特的学术课程. This mobile-ready digital viewbook (brochure) offers information organized by your interests.
